Air Handling Units (AHU) is an equipment for supplying appropriate ventilation withrequired temperature and humidity. AHU is one of the most important parts of HVAC system.Itscoils provides heating through boilers hot water and”chilled water” of the chiller, covers cooling. Ventilated air will transmitted into predicted areas by ducting. Fresh air AHUs are equipped with Return air dampers while full fresh ones doesn’t have this item. AHUs are categorized to single and multi-zones. Single Zones are frequently used for heating and cooling of an area with stable temperature, whereas multi zones are used for demand of different temperatures. AHUs are used in several industries in order to providing required temperature and humidity. Components are as below:
- Dampers for adjusting volume of inlet and outlet air flow.
- Mixing Box for Fresh Air mode.
- Bag Filter with different efficiency and HEPA filter and pre filter (which is aluminumfilter).
- Cooling and heating coils and other type of preheater electric coil.
- Humidifier and nozzles.
- Air handling units fan (Blower) that can be Centrifugal backward or forward type and plug fan